
The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) is the common voice of the bioenergy sector with the aim to develop a sustainable bio energy market based on fair business conditions. The European Pellet Council (EPC) is an umbrella organization representing the interests of the European wood pellet sector. There are three major works as below: First, Responsible for quality, safety, education and related information. Second is promotes using capacity in Europe. Third is coordinates ENPLUS.

Why do wood pellets need a new certificate?

New European standards for solid biomass fuels have been introduced in 2011. They include a standard for wood pellets (EN 14961-2) which ENplus helps to implement all over Europe. The individual national standards are no longer valid. EN 14961-2 was superseded by ISO 17225-2 standard in 2014. With the handbook 3.0 ENplus changes to follow the ISO standard.


Which quality classes exist in ENplus?

The standard includes quality classes A1 and A2 that are also implemented via ENplus. Class A1 is the premium quality used in private household boilers or stoves. A1 pellets produce the least amount of ash and fulfill the highest requirements. Class A2 is used in larger installations and produces more ash.


What is new in ENplus?

Until now quality labels only focused on the production. ENplus goes one step further and includes in addition to the strict production criteria also the trade afterwards. Every (intermediary) trader until the final delivery to the consumer is controlled, thus ensuring adequate transport and storage along the chain.


How does ENplus ensure the right quality?

ENplus is a very transparent system. Identification numbers for both producers and traders secure an extensive traceability of the product. ENplus is the new benchmark for the consumers and the operation of their boilers and stoves.


How is the conformity to ENplus regulations checked?

Pellet plants get audited once a year to inspect the production process and the quality management. Pellet samples are taken and analyzed in specialized labs. Traders are checked as well and agree to follow strict rules. Producers and traders are free to choose any accredited company listed on the ENplus website for the audits and tests. Training courses for new auditors are organized to ensure the same quality of audits all over Europe.


How is the market uptake of ENplus in Europe?

ENplus is spreading quickly since its first introduction in Germany in 2010. By 2015 there are ENplus certified pellet producers in 34 countries (Austria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Belarus, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and USA). The total production of ENplus pellets is around 6 million tons per year.

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Through Tsung Chang Industries unique technique, our factory in Vietnam is the first manufacturer pass ENPLUS A2. The identification number is VN001. If you need to more further information and cooperation, please contact us anytime.

↓ ENPLUS Certificat, Test report and Standard Specification as below.

Well experienced

Since 2010, we start to manufacturer biomass fuel with professional equipment and storage system. Current monthly capacity is 15,000 MT. However, factory total actual capacity is up to 360,000MT per year. Tsung Chang has shipped wood pellet to Korea power plant, and industrial boiler in Vietnam and Taiwan. Tsung Chang is well experienced and received many international quality approvals.

(Up: Actual view of our Vietnam Manufacturer)

(Down: Image of Korea Power Plant)

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International Certificate

  • FSC

    27 sources production approval from non governmental organization -FSC (Forest Stewardship Council).



    The only and first one received EN PLUS A2 Approval in Vietnam.


Customized Service

No matter carbonized wood pellets, wood powder, wood chips, we can make it by customer request.

 Specification of wood pellet
Calorific Value 4100~4700(kcal/kg) Total Moisture 6~10%
Ash Content 1~2% Length 50mm以下


accept Lower transportation risk

Shipping petroleum might explosive by accident. The high density of wood pellet permits compact storage and transport over long distance. They also can be conveniently blown from a tanker to a storage bunker or silo on by customer’s premises.


accept Stable supply and price

Most of wood waste derives from manufacturing location and it is high recyclable, therefore, wood pellet supply comply stable market developing. With the surge in the price of fossil fuels since 2005, the demand for pellet heating increased in Europe and North America.


accept Greenhouse gas emission

It is well known that the emissions from wood-burning are different than emissions from such traditional heating fuels as heating oil, propane, or natural gas.

According to statistics, if every family could change energy to wood pellet for heating, we could reduce 5 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.


acceptAir pollution reduction

Particulate matter is the sum of all solid and liquid particles suspended in air many of which are hazardous. This complex mixture includes both organic and inorganic particles, such as dust, pollen, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets. If the particles are smaller than 2.5µm, it might harm our breathing system and cause skin allergy…etc. Particle pollution is made up of a number of components, including organic chemicals, metals, soil or dust particles and acids (such as nitrates and sulfates from burning fossil and coal). According to statics, if prohibits to use coal and fossil, we could reduce pollutants of SOX 5595 tons (40%), particles 757 tons(73%) and NOX 8200 tons(53%)…etc.


acceptThe regulation of renewable energy

Most of European countries imports wood pellet from overseas, more than half of pellets are using in power plants. EU coordinates to develop and use renewable energy strongly and mandates the renewable energy should achieve 20% of all electricity utilities by 2020. The Climate Conference held in December, 2015, gathering more than 200 leaders around the world discussed global warming issue. Made consensus to reduce carbon emission and encourage using and involving in renewable energy.


acceptGovernment subsidy

Due to the issue of global warming and climate change have been raised worldwide, many governments encourages to use renewable energy , such as solar energy, biomass energy and wood pellet are encouraged to use.



Weng Feng Ying(2008), New Star of energy of wood pellet, Energy report March, page23-26.

Weng Feng Ying(2009), Development of wood pellet in America and Europe, Energy report August, page 28-31.

Wikipedia website


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Purpose and usage

Wood pellet is one of pellet fuel. It is energy supply for power plant, industrial boiler, family and central heating furnace system.

Main sources

The most common type of pellet fuel and are generally made from compacted sawdust and related industrial wastes from the milling of lumber, manufacture of wood products and furniture, and construction and also virgin lumber.

Production process

Pellets are produced by compressing the wood material which has first passed through a hammer mill to provide a uniform dough-like mass. This mass is fed to a press, where it is squeezed through a die having holes of the size required (normally 6 mm diameter, sometimes 8 mm or larger and length is about 2~3cm). The high pressure of the press causes the temperature of the wood to increase greatly, and the lignin plasticizes slightly, forming a natural “glue" that holds the pellet together as it cools

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Quality Control

Most of wood pellet in the market at present are made from sawdust. The combustion efficiency decides the quality. Therefore, the production process needs to be control strictly. There is DIN 51731 from Germany or Ö-Norm M-7135 from Austria for wood pellet conforming to make sure quality. Since 2011, AEBIOM coordinates EN PLUS to apply whole pellet supply chain – from production to delivery to the final customer, therefore to ensuring high quality as well as transparency. EN PLUS is commonly recognized internationally.


Weng Feng Ying(2008), New Star of energy of wood pellet, Energy report March, page23-26.

Weng Feng Ying(2009), Development of wood pellet in America and Europe, Energy report August, page 28-31.

Wikipedia website

En Plus website